To speak with a licensed agent, call 954-557-0538 (TTY 711 M-F, 9am-5pm) or email

United Health Agency

Our Team

954-557-0538 //

Our Leadership Team

Manny Leon

Licensed Agent

Florida License: 14487
Phone: (786) 344-5492
Manny Leon is a dedicated and seasoned Medicare product specialist with United Healthcare in South Florida. With over a decade of experience in the health insurance sector, Manny has built a reputation for being a customer-centric advisor, helping senior citizens understand and navigate their Medicare options.

Manny’s goal is to provide each client with peace of mind regarding their healthcare coverage, reinforcing why he is a leading figure in the Medicare insurance industry in South Florida.

Wilma Villalba

Licensed Agent

Phone: 305-213-4700
Wilma is a 30+ year Medicare licensed agent in Florida, She brings a proven track record of providing excellent customer services, as well as an unparalleled knowledge of Medicare and Medicaid plans. Wilma is bilingual in English and Spanish.

Vivian Espinosa

Rolla Branch Manager

Phone: 786-556-0065
Vivian brings over 30 years of licensed Medicare experience right to you. She has helped and serviced thousands of seniors in Florida choose the right Medicare health plan. Vivian is bilingual in English and Spanish.

Get Free Medicare Assistance

Friendly, licensed professionals are available to answer all of your questions. Call 954-557-0538 or complete the form below and we’d be happy to reach out to you.

      By submitting this information, you acknowledge a licensed insurance agent may contact you by phone, email, or mail to discuss Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Supplement Insurance, or Prescription Drug Plans.

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